Children play a game of freeze tag.
Children play a game of freeze tag.
Step 1
Play a game of freeze tag. Choose one child to be It. That child chases and tags the other children.
Step 2
As each child is tagged, he freezes in position. When all of the children are frozen, choose another child to be It.
Step 3
Continue until each child has had a turn being It.
Approaches to Learning
Creative Thinking, Problem-Solving, Reasoning
Asks more complex questions for clarification to seek meaningful information; makes comparisons among objects and groups; explores cause/effect relationships and varies action to change the reaction
Gathers information and asks complex questions in order to understand a new or familiar concept or to conduct informal research; makes and explains comparisons among objects and groups and uses "if/then" and "cause/effect" reasoning across learning domains
Physical Development and Health
Gross Motor Development
Moves body to travel/play games (runs well, gallops, walks on uneven surfaces, walks backward in straight line, broad jumps, hops forward on two feet)
Refines mobility and moves with a purpose (walks backward in games/activities, runs smoothly, gallops, skips, walks heel-to-toe, hops on one foot)
Coordinates body movements in place with increasing skill (begins to kick ball with purpose, throws overhand with some accuracy, dribbles balls with increased coordination, throws and attempts to catch balls, begins using bat/racket to make contact with objects)
Coordinates body movements in place to accomplish a goal (kicks ball accurately in game, throws overhand, dribbles, and catches balls with increasing accuracy, swings bat/racket and makes contact with stationary objects, bounces and passes ball)